Kelly Roman from Fisher-Wallace Labs joined me to discuss the latest in cognitive-enhancing technology. The Fisher-Wallace Stimulator is a modern version of electrode therapy that provides mental stimulation in the comfort of your own home.
About Kelly Roman
Kelly Roman is co-founder of Fisher Wallace Laboratories, a medical device company based in New York that was the first to commercialize wearable brain stimulation. Prior to Fisher Wallace, Kelly graduated from Harvard and served as a marketing executive in the media and software industries.
Topics Discussed
- Fisher-Wallace Laboratories
- Former Science Fiction writer
- Electrical Brain Stimulation Device
- Regulated by the FDA
- Influence of drugs coming out of patent
- Rx prescription process streamlined w. Ordering process
- why people are turning to wearables over medications
- How Fisher Wallace Stimulator device works
- Stimulation of the default mode network
- Downregulation of fight or flight
- Brainwave entrainment for alpha state
- Memory improvement
- Electrode therapy
- Longevity benefits